Saturday, March 10, 2012

Here is How it Happened

Thanksgiving Day 2002. We are watching the Macy's
parade when a dogfood commerical comes on. Commerical says stayed
tuned for the annual dog show immediately following the parade. Baby Daughter wants to
stay tuned. We stay tuned.
Thus began a tradition we still keep, of watching the Thanksgiving Day parade and the dog show in our pajamas snacking on sweet breads and sipping (apple) cider and/or coffee.
On Thanksgiving Day 2002 there were no dogs in our home, in our laps, in our lives. All that would soon change. During the dog show, yet another commercial invited us to
take a pet test, a serious of questions on line designed to identify
the breed of dog best suited to a would-be pet owner.
Let's go take the test, says the Babhy Daughter.
We are not in the market, says the Mother.
"Just for fun, Mom," come the reply.
"Okay, but just for fun..."
The test results were fun and somewhat predictable. Poodles were high on our lists. The only inside dogs we had much experience with were poodles. Baby Daughter wanted a lap dog.
She was ( and is) a seriously social being who at the particular time was not enjoying the new experience being the only child in the house.
The test reference poodle mixes, something I had not heard of before.
Baby Daughter was all over the idea. She googled all manner of poodle mixes. I recall Thanksgiving dinner being served been late that year.

- Posted using BlogPress from my iPhone

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