Tuesday, March 26, 2013

an annual affair

My travel companions/sisters said they would pick me up at 4 p.m. Sharp.
"Be ready," came the instruction. "Don't make us wait for you."
I was. They didn't have to wait. We all three were more than a little excited to be on our way for the second annual Sisters Trip.
Last year we went to Italy, a trip I blogged about extensively. We had so much fun that two of us got together and decided it needs to be a yearly ritual.
Of all the wonders of our Italian adventure, the sister time was the best. The three of us had not spent time sans children and spouses and others, save and except black friday shopping. We talked late into the night about many, many things...even knowing we had early morning tours.
The recollection of all that fun plus the fact that one of us was about to celebrate a milestone birthday led the the other two of us to plan a fabulous long weekend get away.
The baby sister gets the credit for most of the planning.
The story goes that it took three days and multiple phone calls for her to settle on accomodations. By the time she was done she had bonded with the staffs some locales and at least one chef.
A meticulous guidebook , complete with itineraries and quotations, was on the ready.
It was my job to read from it as we drove.
The birthday girl, did not know our destination for sure until the book was presented to her soon after we had my gear loaded into the back of her car. She entered the travel data onto her GPS and we were off.
Much adventure and the open road were before us. That it had been 12 months since our last trip meant we were more than ready for both!

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