Sunday, March 31, 2013

Katie's Ducky Easter Basket

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I think my baby daughter is just ducky. It is for that reason that I gave her Easter basket a duck theme this year. A majority of the basket's contents were for her use studying for and taking finals this semester at law school. The rest carried a duck theme. The candy and eggs were all there to remind her of how proud her Mama is of the woman she has become.
The dude there behind her in the picture above got an Easter bucket. It was a token of my appreciation for the good job he is doing. Being the beau of a first semester law school student, also know as a "1L" is tough but he is doing an admirable job to encouraging her to "keep calm and carry on."
His cute little Cracker Barrel bucket was filled with old fashioned candy and toys, including the original kind of silly putty, red egg and all.
The Hub also got a bucket, filled much the same. He does a good job encouraging me to "keep calm and carry on."
They both are keepers.
I decided that on the Hub a good while ago. On the baby daughter's beau, I decided when I saw him coming through the back gate, dressed for church, looking for the world like an Easter egg himself. Only a real man can pull that look off and he did. And splendidly so!
The dude loves to fish and hunt and cook wild game. But he cleans up nicely. I am going as far as to say that I think he is just ducky, too!

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