Tuesday, March 26, 2013

rosedown dress

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One of the things I liked most at Rosedown was the floor in the foyer. It has a painted floor cloth that works out beautifully along side the gorgeous scenic wallcovering.
The last day of our sister trip, we spent a goodly amount of time at a darling children's shop in Natchez. We walked away with Easter outfits for some children and portrait outfits for others.
My grandbaby asked me to bring her toys. The Hub and I had gone on a trip some weeks earlier and brought back some new spring things for her. She liked them very much, she said, "but next time, could you bring me toys?"
I complied with her request. Mostly.
I grabbed a pretty nightgown, in addition to the classic toys I got for her.
There was a dress, in her size, that reminded me of the floor cloth at Rosedown. I picked it up. I put it back. I picked it up again. I asked my sisters whether they thought I ought to get it.
"She said she wanted toys," the baby sister said to me.
I put it back and left it.
But then the middle sister saved the day. She said she was getting that dress to give to my grandbaby for her birthday.
The Sunday after our return, the middle sister gifted my grandbaby with the dress,  rathering than saving it until her birthday in July.
"I'll buy you toys on your birthday," is what I heard my sister whisper in my grandbaby's ear as she held the dress up to her for size.
Love the dress.
Love the grandbaby.
Love the sister.

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