Tuesday, March 26, 2013

Savoring the moments and experiences

When we began to discuss our trip for this year, one theme kept coming up... pace. The pace we kept in Italy was grueling. It was necessary to fit in all we were able to see and do but it was grueling. The middle sister did a masterful job at working out all the details. She prewarned us that this would not be a trip for sissies. At some point, she began to call our Italian adventure the "never let up" tour. She meant it.
The day we went to the colosseum and the forum was Palm Sunday. On such days, a taxi will only transport to within a certain distance from a church. In Rome there is a church on every corner. The trek meet our tour group was long and arduous. We toured every level of the colosseum. We walked Palantine Hill, through the forum, the ancient ruins, the victory way, the area where the Roman baths are being excavated.
As we are trekking back to catch a cab to our hotel, middle sister says "I really want to see the 'she-wolf" at the Capitoline museum. I remember looking up that vast stairway up to those glorious buildings and wanting to cry.
In hindsight, I am thankful we did. Not only did we see the she wolf but also Constantine's hand and foot and other Roman antiquities. We also discovered there a exhibition of documents and other treasures from the Vatican archives never before displayed. It was fairly amazing. But also seriously painful. I was walking on the sides of my feet.
I grabbed a chair near a Roman chariot and gave my aching feet a rest between exhibition rooms.
Finally, I told the sisters,"if you are looking for me, you will find me here. I am not moving."
I still intend to order the guide book so I can read about that I missed. We were so late in the day getting through that the gift shop closed before we made it there. Not only did we not get to purchase a guide book but we also missed the chance to purchase some really cool gladiator toy sets for our little boys.
This year, we determined to take a slower pace. Much slower.
We agreed that this time the only thing quick will be the pace we drove to get to our destination and the baby sister's wit.
We determined:
we are going to walk slowly
talk slowly
eat slowly.
This time it was all about savoring the moments and the experiences. We increased and then decreased the itinerary several times so as to accomodate a slower pace.
The good news about that is that the places and things shaved off will make for future trips. I am going to call that a win/win for the sisters.

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