Saturday, March 23, 2013

hands to work, hearts to God

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I love having my nails done. The sweetheart who has done them for more than a dozen years now (with only a few breaks in the action) has done my nails through thick and thin. She has offered advice and more than a little sympathy over time. So much so, that I call her my "nail doctor." I have guarded my appointments with her as if they were truly medical. I am ashamed to say, I have, at times, given more deference to my nail appointments than anything medical or dental.
Truth be told, nail appointments are way more fun than having my teeth cleaned or any thing related to a medical check up. My "nail doctor" makes sure it's so.
This is why, I am sad to say, I have given up my nail appointment. At least for a season. My schedule has gotten so hectic of late that I can't make my appointments. Inevitably, on the days I am scheduled to have my nails done, some matter I am attending runs extra late. It never fails.
The nail doctor has been sweet about it but she has a young son who needs her attention in the hours after school. Basically,

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