Saturday, March 30, 2013

one a penny, two a penny...

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I always loved nursery rhymes so I read them often to my children. When they would ask a question about what something meant or was, we would look it up. In those days, there was no internet search engines. There was no internet. We used the world book encyclopedia or the big dictionary.
And so it was that they became enamoured of hot cross buns.
I've used all manner of recipes over the years.  Some recipes have been a hit, some have not.
This year, I found a recipe calling for currants. Since Peter Rabbit's mother went to the market to buy currant buns I thought to combine several Easter themes and mde Hot Cross Buns with currants. I also put almonds in them rather than pecans, as I have in the past.
A friend and I had the last two as a pre-dinner snack last night. She seemed to like them a lot. But I think she prefers the ones I came with yellow raisins soaked in the juice of an orange.

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