Tuesday, March 26, 2013

are you sirius?

My sisters love true crime novels. They read them voraciously. They also like watching what used to be "Court TV" and follow the featured trials constantly.
Since I work in the legal profession, that is something like a busman's holiday for me. I am generally not all that interested but when one is an occupant of a vehicle traveling many miles in a single evening to reach a single destination, one does what one must to make for a pleasant trip.
Now I will own that the commentators are hilarious at times. Some of them are, anyway. My sisters' comments are likewise hysterical, especially as the night wears on.
There are worse ways to spend an evening than with sirius radio and one's sisters.
In Paris, Texas we stopped to get advil and the baby sister found old school Borden French onion dip. Add that to the things that make for a fun road trip. That and some lays potato chips staved our hunger all the way to one of the best mexican restaurants on the planet. We made it just before closing time and the staff was most gracious about our late arrival and did not make us feel rushed in the least.
We were well over half way and sated by the time we left. The rest of the drive was altogether pleasant. By our early morning arrival at our destination I had actually grown interested in the trial we'd listened to for so many hours and the expert for the defense whose testimony the legal community was picking apart.
Good thing, that, because we listened to the self same expert on cross examination all the way home. By then, I was such a tired, but happy camper, I didn't mind a bit!

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