Wednesday, December 17, 2014

An o'possum walking across my grave

My sisters think I have rather lost my mind. I should not have sent them the picture of my grave marker but I did.
It seemed like a reasonable thing to do when I did it..
I was at the cemetery where my paternal grandparents and my dad are buried. I had gone there to put new flowers in the urns on either side of their headstone. I noticed that the markers adjacent to their final resting places were askew and that their markings had faded. The markers were placed by my Grandmother after Daddy and Papaw died to create a family plot of sorts, so that those of us who wanted to could be buried there, near them. I called first dibs for my spot way back when. Both my sisters were appalled and accused me of being morbid.
I can't help it if I like to plan ahead.
Besides, when someone uses the old adage "an o'possum walked across my grave" to explain why they've shivered, I always wonder there the possum is walking. In my case, I really want to know.
So much so, that I remarked the plots and then went to see the County Commissioner's secretary to make sure the plots were properly recorded.
Then I sent my sisters a picture of the newly marked slabs of stone so they would know it was all taken care of.
That part maybe I should not have done. I am blaming it, at least in part, on the possum.

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