Wednesday, December 31, 2014

Christmas 2015 playlist

The Hub and I went to dinner and a movie for New Year's Eve. It was delightful all the way around. One of the best parts was the long haul we had to make because we parked on the wrong end of the theatre. When it is 20 degrees outside and the Oklahoma wind is sweeping down the plain, taking the curving path around the inside of a mammoth facility doesn't seem so bad. Especially when certain fantastic Christmas music is being played in stereo along the corridors.I say all of this sincerely.
For the unexpected jaunt allowed me to hear some of my favorite carols one last time this year AND it prompted me to begin a list for next season of my favorite Christmas songs.
I wanted a playlist several times this year but did not have (or make) the time to do one. I am going to remedy this before I pack away the Christmas cds (something I plan to start on tomorrow.)
So there you have it, a silver lining to yet another cloud. and soon, a play list, too.

- Posted using BlogPress from my iPhone

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