Wednesday, December 17, 2014

Party girl

Once upon a time there was a little girl who loved parties. She also loved  Christmas. and she loved her Granddad. A lot.
One Saturday in December, all of that came together when she was invited to attend her Granddad's work Christmas party.
Her grandmother dressed her in a red dress and put a big red bow in her hair so that she would match the red clogs she wanted to wear.

For much of the party, she sat on laps. Her granddad's. Her grandmother's. That of a county commissioner and the commissioner's husband. They took selfies.
She pulled a very loose tooth. Barbecue was on the menu and the little girl also loved barbecue, especially ribs. But she did not want to swallow a tooth while gnawing on a rib bone.

The grandmother put the tooth in an empty water bottle so it would not get lost. The granddad threw the water bottle away thinking it was trash.
The tooth fairy came any way. To the grandparent's house, since that is where the little girl spend the night that night.

Granddad held Rudolph for the little girl while she held a bunny in a stocking given to her by her aunt.

Santa came and gave the little girl (and all the other children at the party) a brown paper sack with an apple, an orange, peppermints and other candy inside.

The little girl thought it was all delicious and shared with her granddad, even though he threw her tooth away. It was an accident after all.

There were a lot of awards presented and speeches made after dinner. The little girl got bored because some of the speakers "talked long." She was quick to point out that the "long" talkers did not include her Granddad. Still, she found ways to entertain herself and was most well behaved. Because after all, it was Christmas time.
oh, and she lived happily everafter.

- Posted using BlogPress from my iPhone

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