Wednesday, December 17, 2014


This is number seventeen. The reason she gives for choosing that particular number still has me amused. That said, I completely understand for reasons I will explain in a bit.
The song "I love Rock and Roll" was what she and her dance group  performed to. She owned, upon being asked, that her favorite line  from the song was the one sung "I knew she must have been about seventeen." She further explained she mostly liked the line because she liked the movements that went with it in the routine. To her, or so she said, the choice of that number for her softball uniform was a no-brainer.
As I said, I completely understand, those several others who heard her explanation seemed puzzled.
Some days, it seems to me that half my brain activity are connected to song lyrics. Some days, it might actually be more than half.
It seems logical to my grandbaby and to me, then, that song lyrics are as good a thing to use for numbers and names and passwords as any other than. Maybe even a better way.

- Posted using BlogPress from my iPhone

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