Saturday, March 14, 2015

Our little leprechaun

The youngest of my handsome and talented nephews turned one yesterday.
We had a hoopty doo big party for him Saturday.
I was able to swing by and get a birthday kiss from him on my way to the dentist on the first anniversary of his natal day.
I like nephews.
Soon I need to do a nephew blog post about my nephews, but this one is just about him.
He has the sweetest personality. He smiles almost all the time.
The year since he was born has flown by.
There was a little trouble when he was born. When I learned of it I made a flying trip to the hospital with a pot a shamrocks, a St. Patrick's Day teddy bear and my baby daughter who is a universal blood donor.
For there to be trouble at a birth is something we are especially sensitive to in my family. We've had that before. God is faithful even in those tough times. Maybe especially then.
We love our babies. We naturally want them to be well.
This little guy was very sick, again, very recently, when he came down with flu so severely that he had to be hospitalized. All three kiddos in this little family had the flu but it hit the baby like a ton of bricks. He was quarantined and lifeless.
He has bounced back, albeit slowly. He had to re-learn steadiness on his feet, though he has been walking since he was seven months old.
He is running again, now. Chasing behind and trying to catch up to an older brother and sister.
We like to celebrate in my family.
We especially like to celebrate birthdays.
Especially first birthdays.
and wholeness. and wellness. and happiness.
That's what was going on Saturday at my sister's house and yesterday at her office.
It is what is going on today, here in my office. And in my heart.

- Posted using BlogPress from my iPhone

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