Sunday, March 29, 2015

These little beauties

This is the formal program portrait of five little girls who as a group are known as the "minis."
They are dancers. 
If the number of awards they brought home last weekend is any indication (and I say it is) they are very good dancers. (Notice I didn't make that proclamation on my own because I know full well I have a bias where they are concerned.)
They are sweet and spunky. They squabble sometimes amongst themselves yet they are fiercely loyal to each other when push comes to shove.
They have spent long hours in the studio through the fall and winter months getting ready for this new season. I am expecting great things from them this season and in life. Maybe having such strong expectations of first and second graders seems odd, but I have seen their character. I have seen their tenacity when they were exhausted. I have seen their determination when they were sore and frustrated from time, not just in the dance studio, but also in the gym, where they worked to perfect extra skills required to achieve excellence.
I am persuaded that these traits parlay quite often into life skills that will serve them and this world we live in well.
How glorious to be an observer of this process.
note: credit for the group photo belongs to the also beautiful and talented C.R. Berry.

- Posted using BlogPress from my iPhone

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