Tuesday, March 31, 2015

Counting redbuds

 The grandbaby's first dance competition of the season was this weekend. The Hub and I drove up to watch what was one of the best group of dancers/dancers I've seen. That includes, of course, the grandbaby and her group, but there were lots of others. These little chicks danced their hearts out.
We brought her home with us as her sister still had dances to dance in the upper age divisions.
She was tired and a bit cranky. The closer we got to home the worse it got. 
I did with her, finally, what I once did with my own children, started a game of I Spy. The redbuds are just starting to fade. I wish their blooming season was longer. This year it seemed particularly short, somehow. 
There were just glimpses of their once rich color through the wooded areas we passed along the road.
We began counting them and soon we were home. A warm bath, some comfy pajamas and a movie to be watched from my bed fixed what out game had begun to cure. Those are some of my favorite things. They act like a balm on my fatigue and ill humor. And for one small time each year, so do the redbuds...

- Posted using BlogPress from my iPhone

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