Tuesday, March 31, 2015

Heard Ya; loud and clear

This post is going to take a little back story
Here it is:
the baby daughter once took her chances with roommate assignment for on-campus housing. Previously she had roomed with fellow members of her college tennis team. When she decided to transfer to the college where her then boyfriend was attending and where she knew no one else, the automatic selection thing was her only option.
The roommate she was assigned was, then, a stranger. But not for long. The two bonded so quickly and so firmly that people would later wonder that they had not known each other for the whole of their lives. The family of one became like family to the other.
Once, when they showed up at the hospital to wait the birth of  a new family member, they entertained those gathered by supplying the endings to family stories they had heard so often that they knew them by heart.
When it came time for one of them to leave for residency training after medical school, they were inconsolable.  One of them reckoned their state to be not unlike a divorce, so long had they lived together and so much had they shared.
Just a few weeks after one of them moving out of the apartment they shared all through graduate school one of them moved across the state and the other just across town, a soul crushing blow came to one and thus the other.
There were many calls and Facetime chats, emails, snap chats, and texts in the days that followed the big move but none caused them to feel the distance between them like an early morning call regarding the death of one of their mothers.
The one stayed on the phone with the other trying to keep her calm until family could reach her at the intern site where she was working.
The other then headed as hard and fast as she could to her grieving friend. The experiences they'd shared previously had done little to prepare them for this rough road.  So sad was the one she could scarcely see light. The days were dark and stormy and the other was determined to find some thing, anything, that would help her friend survive the loss that seemed want to do her in.
Then, there it was. A rainbow. A beautiful double rainbow. The little pearl white bug there to the right of the photo is what they were riding in when the bow appeared in the sky.
That rainbow was just one of several that appeared in the sky that week. Together, the former roommates/forever friends gloried in each one, as did various friends and family members they shared their excitement in the middle of grievous loss and pain with.
When I heard the story, I came to an immediate belief and understanding that the Hand of God Himself painting those rainbows. His Hand also put those two together: first in a college apartment and now in life.
For me, there's just no other explanation.
As far as the rainbow, my first thought is the one I used for the title of this post. I heard His Voice in this story, just as I see His Hand; and that most clearly.
- Posted using BlogPress from my iPhone

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