Thursday, March 19, 2015

Necks and the lack thereof

The picture above is a screen shot I took of my baby sister originally posted on Facebook by my mother. I use it here to illustrate that she has a very long and elegant neck. Out other sister, likewise has a head that sits very regally atop a neck that is long and well, elegant.
My head sits right on top of my shoulders.
I don't consider myself particularly given to envy.
Especially where they are concerned, the more they have and do, the happier I am. Except with this neck thing.
Mother also has a long and elegant neck. I blame her.
I am pretty sure they pulled me before I was ripe and that has got to somehow be her fault.
Even if it's not, I am blaming her.
She and both her other children are also tall, but I can let that go. I think.
If I stretch to the fullest degree possible, I am almost five feet tall. I've learned to live with that.
Here's the rub with regard to the neck thing (pun intended):
my middle sister, Karen the Good went to the doctor because she was having some issues with her neck. There she learned, after xrays were ordered and read, that she has an extra vertebrae.
That vertebrae is mine. It has to be. I have no neck and she has extra neck? Really?
She says if it's my vertebrae she got it is because I left it behind.
Didn't I say they pulled me before I was ripe?
Mother has some explaining to do.....

- Posted using BlogPress from my iPhone

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