Saturday, May 5, 2012

Touring Venice

Our walking tour of Venice took us along  narrow alleyways and through carved arches and over many bridges. There are almost 500 of them and it seemed we crossed them all as we explored this lovely city. Had it not been for our guide, we would likely never have found our way around.

The Heraldic Lions were everywhere, as they are a symbol of the city of Venice.
The squares are called "Campos" for they used to be grass covered "fields" where the townspeople met to gather water and exchange gossip. The carrying of news from place to place in Venice is now the tradition of the gondoliers.

My pretty sister, Karen the Good, in Piazza San Marco
and below in front of the Ducale Palace.

Our hotel was not too far beyond the alleyed entrance pictured in the middle of the photograph above so it was convenient for us to stop off at our room throughout the time we were there .
Towers and spires atop the buildings give Venice
a lovely skyline.

.Marco Polo's birthplace is in Venice. Here he is called Marco Il Milione, because he was accused, even in his hometown, of telling "a million lies" about his travels. History has shown that many of them were true!
I had heard there was a church on every corner in Venice,
but this was not true...for sometimes there were two!
The Bridge of Sighs, so named because prisoners escorted over the bridge from the jails to the Doge's Palace were said to sign when they looked out on the city of Venice, perhaps for the last time.

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