Friday, May 4, 2012

Sunday in Rome

The agenda for our Sunday in Rome:
Campo fiori
Porto Portese flea market
Capitoline museum
Dinner somewhere cool for our last night in Rome

We left the markets in plenty of time (or so we thought) to get to our tour group in front of the colosseum. What we did not realize is that on Holy days, vehicles are allowed only in certain areas of the city our cab driver apologetically let us our as close as he possibly could, which was a goodly distance away.
The Baby Sister had really wanted to go walk along the Appian Way, especially after our expeniences the day before but given this fact, we decided not to try it. We stayed with the schedule and we did make it to start the tour on time, though just barely.
We liked our tour guide immediately.He was witty and personable. I suppose we were in a Bible character state of mind because we immediately decided he fit the description we had in our minds of the Apostle James, the younger brother of Christ.
Once again our group was small enough so we had good access for questions and plenty of time to ask them. On this day, we had plenty of them!
We had been warned not to "even talk to the gladiators." This was the "never let up tour" and we were to keep walking. As the Baby Sister had made friends of waiters, tour guides, other tourists and members of the Swiss Guard, the Middle Sister warned that today there would be no time for such things.

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