Monday, May 7, 2012


Today I passed another milestone... I helped my baby sister start setting up a nursery for her first grandchild. When she becomes a grandmother in August it will be unanimous. The middle sister and I have been grandmothers for a while. The middle sister has two grandchildren. 
We've tried to tell her how wonderful grandmotherhood is but some things one must experience on their own to appreciate.
As for me,  grandmotherhood is one of the few things in my life that has lived up to the hype. And it keeps getting better.
The baby sister picked my grandma name. It started out as G.G. for Grandma Gayla but has since become Gigi. I wanted to pick out her Grandma name but I was too late. She is to be called Gogo. That seems appropriate as her kid's grandma always called them "Go Babies." The child of a Go baby would naturally be a Go Go. That the grandma of a Go Go baby would be called "Gogo" seems perfect to me!
Our grandmothers were called Grandma. Both of them. They were fabulous women. We have a lot to live up to.  I expect we'll spend some time discussing that as we work on the nursery upstairs at my baby sister's house.

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