Sunday, May 13, 2012

Windows, doors, arches and bridges in Venice

I found myself taking random pictures of doors and windows, arches and bridges in Venice and since I have them, I might as well post them...

You could spend all day just looking at arches over doors and windows and bridges in Venice, especially in Piazza San Marco and the Palace of the Doge.
Gothic influence abounds in Venice and no where more than on window pediments.

There were even arched water doors in Venice.

Arch of one of the smaller bidges in Venice.

Another water door, this one unadorned.

Grand entrances in Venice are made waterside so as to make a pretty view from the canals.

There is nothing plain about Venetian windows;  at least not those visible from the water.

Can't you just hear a voice calling, "Romeo, Romeo, wherefore art thou, Romeo?!" from this window?

Pretty, pretty window boxes overhang a quiet canal.

A balustrade facing the ducal palace.

A balustrade along the Grand Canal in Venice.

I really enjoyed looking at all the figurals and busts mounted above the doors and windows along the back canals during our gondola ride.
Me thinks this photo just screams "Venice!"

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