Monday, November 4, 2013

cousins in the leaves

We made an impromptu visit to my sister's house on Saturday.  My grandbaby, upon hearing that her cousin Lilliann had stayed with her Nana while the her parents took her brother to a ballgame, immediately insisted we "go to Kitty's." Kitty is what my grandbaby calls my sister. Nana is what my sister's  grandchildren call her.  I call her Karen the good, for she truly is as good a sister as anyone could ask for.
We had a good time on our little visit. Lilliann and her Nana were making popcorn balls when we arrived. The girls hit the yard before they were even cool to play in the leaves and ride on Lilliann's ATV.
They had the most fun playing in a sparse covering leaves on the rolling lawn out back. My brother-in-law keeps the lawn in pristine condition but Saturday's wind sent leaves before even he could get at them with a leaf rake.
The rolled down the sloping hills, chasing each other. They spied a trio of deer near the edge of the yard. The deer feed upon the fallen fruit of the persimmon trees near the great windows of the siting room off the master bedroom.
When the  girls ran in to tell their grandfathers about the deer, they were told that they have breakfast under the trees nearby most mornings. In the telling, my sister suddenly remembered something she'd heard recently about persimmons.
That led to another source of fun on this already fun day, as well as another blog worthy activity!

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