Sunday, November 24, 2013

Ready for Thanksgiving Day

We are ready for Thanksgiving day at our house. the baby daughter, the grandbaby and I used  the leftovers from last week's law school chili contest décor to decorate the dining table
. we rolled out what was a forest floor last weekend and added the pilgrim and native american couples we've used for many years. We set the table with the few pieces of friendly village china. A few of the pieces belonged to my mother-in-law. The bulk of it, though, belongs to the baby daughter herself.
While we were at it, we set a tea table for the girls' annual Thanksgiving tea and a brunch tray for our use Thanksgiving morning as we watch the Macy's parade.
A couple of side tables are on the ready in case someone wants to snuggle up with a book and a cup of tea or cider.
My goal is to be able to sit back and enjoy the holiday and my family. So far, so good.

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