Monday, November 4, 2013

sleeping beauty

I have a laminated copy of my grandbaby's weekly schedule on my fridge.  Just looking at it makes me tired. I probably am going to get in trouble for saying this, but she does too much. Between dance and tumbling and school events, there is not time sometimes, to ride her bike or watch the clouds of just be a kid. Not that she complains. This statement is from her grandmother's perspective.
She gets cranky, when she overly tired, much like her grandmother does. Friday night, I left with her from the high school football game as soon as we saw her sister perform at halftime with the Pom Squad.
The picture to the left was taken just minutes after we go home. Granted she is just getting over some flu bug, but the child was exhausted. She spent the night and we let her sleep until she was ready to get up.  Her granddaddy commented that even taking the  time change into account (we fell back this weekend) she slept almost twelve hours.
She was much more congenial when she awoke than when she went to sleep.

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