Wednesday, November 20, 2013

the facebook numbers game

I just wasn't comfortable playing the  numbers game that  has been go around Facebook. Still, I felt kind of weird about my non-participation. I decided that if I post my answers here and provided the link to those who would care that I participated, albeit less publicly, I might be ok.
So here they are: seven things people might not know about me:

1. I am still using a pen my husband gave me in 1998
2.I am shorter than both of my two younger sisters 
3. I have three first cousins and two second cousins born the same calendar year as I. Together, as children, we were forces to be reckoned with
4.  I was born in the middle of a late February snowstorm
5. I am not quite five feet tall
6. I hate raw onions
7.  I don't watch scary movies.

Of course, readers of this blog know some of these things because I have blogged about them but this was about the best I could come up with. What can I say except my life is pretty much an open book, er, blog.

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