Tuesday, November 12, 2013

Tooth Fairy Time

I got the call this weekend we'd been waiting on. The grandbaby finally lost her first tooth. It had been loose for a while. It became so loose before it finally came out that she despaired of eating an apple. She was terribly afraid she would swallow the tooth and thereby lose the economic advantages thereof.
The Hub did not have to ask twice if I wanted to run around the corner to see little snaggle tooth. I grabbed up the fairy house she made for the tooth fairy to rest in if she was tired while making her rounds and took it to her.
The permanent replacement has already grown in behind the baby tooth so there is no gap. Her former straight row of little teeth is offset, as the new one is set back beyond the baby teeth not yet ready to yield. Thus things are rather "snaggly" when  she smiles.
Her looks will change forever now. I am a little sad about that. She has long since lost the babyishness her face held for the longest time. This will finish off any lingering vestiges of her pretty little baby face.
Not that I don't think she grows ever prettier with time.

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