Thursday, March 6, 2014

bobby pins

This is the story of how I learned the origins of my name.
 Today I was talking on the phone to my Mom. We are discussing the impending arrival of a new baby in the family and exactly when that might be. I wonder, out loud, if today might be the day.
"What is today," asked she.
"It is Thursday," said I.
"Thursday, Thursday... how does that poem go about the days of the week?" she says.
Realizing she is talking of what I've always called "Monday's Child" and I recite it as I learned it long ago. (she may even be the one who taught it to me.)

Mondays child is fair of face, 
Tuesdays child is full of grace, 
Wednesdays child is full of woe, 
Thursdays child has far to go, 
Fridays child is loving and giving, 
Saturdays child works hard for his living, 
And the child that is born on the Sabbath day 
Is bonny and blithe, and good and gay.

"I've always liked that poem because that's where I got my name, isn't it," I asked her.
"Oh, no. You were named after bobby pins," she says.
Bobby pins?
Bobby pins?
In my mind I am picturing her sitting at her dressing table, a package of bobby pins in front of her saying, to herself "yes, that will do for a baby name."
Bobby pins?

I am not sure how I went for all these years thinking I was named for a poem when it was really after bobby pins. Still, I guess I should be glad I wasn't named "Prell" or "Aqua Net."

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