Tuesday, March 4, 2014

tomato love

My middle sister loves tomatoes.  As a child she was allergic to them.
When she was a child, the story goes, that she would follow Daddy to the vegetable garden and there she would consume copious amount of tomatoes, right from the vine. She would walk into the house with red welts all the way around her mouth and Mother would know immediately their source.  She also knew that Daddy likely could not bear to tell his sweet, easy-going middle daughter no to something she loved so much.
She would eat them straight off the vine. In those days pesticides were not commonly used. As I recall, in my parents and grandparents' gardens, we shared the bounty of each harvest with natures creatures without giving it much thought.
I have never seen anyone eat tomatoes like grapes or apples until now. My grandbaby does the same thing. She loves, loves, loves tomatoes. And while I make her wash them- whether they come from the garden or the store, she will eat them just the way her "Aunt Kitty" always has.
Do you suppose it could be genetic, this love of tomatoes?

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