Thursday, March 20, 2014

Some time, anyway...

Yesterday I finally reached the top of the small mountain of work I've been laboring under. Outside, the sun was shining. A fine Spring day beckoned after an inordinately long winter. I was unable to resist and given the yearning to be with my family an hour and a half away seeing (to) a new baby and his mama recuperating from surgery I did not.
That my baby daughter was able to accompany me made it all the more a perfect time to take that time I lamented in my post written just earlier this week.
We stopped and picked up a teddy bear for the baby, something I've done more any number of nephews over the years. (Nieces get baby dolls.)
I had an important meeting with this handsome gentleman
 yesterday.  I had been waiting a while  to make his acquaintance
That, a pot of shamrocks (baby was born on St. Patrick's Day) and a quick lunch and we were ready for some time with some of our favorite folk. Our baby was a little jaudiced and was under the requisite lighting when we arrived. Before long, his Nana, was able to spring him for a bit and give us the chance to get our hands on him.
I held my first nephew more than 30 years ago but holding this one had no less impact on me. Like that adage says, "When they put him in my arms he slipped into my heart."
We stayed until we felt intrusive and then spent some time looking for some things for the new season, including short sleeved shirts for the Hub and an Easter dress for the baby daughter.
It was a fine, fine day.
And although I didn't schedule any time off for Spring break, I got to take some time anyway.
Today, savoring the time I find myself feeling very blessed!

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