Tuesday, March 25, 2014

the Bucket List of a 6 year old

Speaking of bucket lists...
My grandbaby is six but already has one.
It is not particularly long but it is impressive.

1. New York City
 She is a big fan of musicals, most recently of "Annie." She loves dance and theatre. Her sister has been twice to the Big Apple.
2. New Orleans.
She's been real excited of late to talk about Louisiana since her Granddad is a Louisianan born and bred. She's been to the north part of his home state but never to the Big Easy. Nawlins' has been on her list since she first watched Disney's "Princess and the Frog."

It tickles me that travel is what she is most interested in. There are so many places I would love to take her or have her take me.
There was travel discussion between the grandbaby and her friend Lexi  recently. Lexi, it seems, agrees on the New York part but she also wants to go to Paris.

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