Monday, March 31, 2014

Road trip to T-town

With errands to run that required travel, we headed to Tulsa on Saturday. The things I intended to order on line I decided I needed to see in person. There were measurement issues and other particulars I couldn't get via computer. Besides, I was homesick to see my baby girl.
Thus,  we took off on an impromptu road trip about noon last Saturday. The grandbaby was done with dance rehearsal and was all too happy to pack her own bag (for the first time) when her mom gave permission for her to go with us.
She also brought along her new leopard print teddy bear, her favorite baby doll, a pillow, a blanket and a pair of sunglasses for the ride. It was a lot of gear for a single day trip and the Hub aka Granddad so noted. She was so good on the drive, though, he had to admit the gear was worth any bother.
She started out with her sunglasses in place, doll all hugged up, Disney music blaring.
She ended up with her baby doll all covered up resting on the pillow she'd brought, teddy bear hugged up. glasses on the top of her head watching "Frozen" on my IPad.
There was a time when she was not so good a traveler but now that she can occupy herself (and pack what she wants to be occupied with) she's good to go. Now so are we when she is along.


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