Thursday, March 20, 2014

Spring Break

I suppose I should have taken some time off for Spring Break. It rather sneaked up on me. It's still cold outside. I wore a coat to work today.
My baby is home for a few days but is doing school work and work work from home. My grandbaby keeps such a busy schedule that I have to plan ahead to spend time with her these days.
They have decided to go to the Children's Museum today. I wish I was going with them. Alas, I should have taken some time off for Spring break.
The temperature is warming up. The sun is out. The wind seems to have died down. I noticed these things walked back to the office after lunch. I saw pictures on Facebook as I was waiting for my meal of folks fishing and picnicking.
There is a new baby in the family who I have not yet seen.
 There is a kite at my house, just waiting to be flown. There is more than a little Spring cleaning to be done.
Why, oh why, did I not take some time off for Spring break?

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