Monday, March 10, 2014

she nailed it

When my grandbaby first started talking about practicing her "six o'clock" I wasn't sure what she was talking about.

A while back I blogged about "facials" and how in the world of dance they are a whole different thing than what I have known them to be. And so it is with "six o'clock."
To me, six o'clock comes twice a day, though I try to personally see the latter on the clock rather than the former. Turns out, six o'clock in dance parlance is a one of a couple of dance moves,  that require a great deal of flexibility and obvious skill.
And practice. My girl practiced. Every time she thought of it, she practiced her "six o'clock."

On Saturday I was witness to the fruits of her labor. To put it simply, she nailed it.
She was intent. It was intense. She forgot all about doing her facials. But she nailed it. She is only 6 and a half.
Her grandmother sees amazing potential. Don't you?!

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