Thursday, March 6, 2014

yielding to Spring

This morning the ground is covered with ice and snow. The wind chill is below zero.  Still, I know Spring has come.
Old man winter has long arms. So much so that he has reached into March. But he can't fool me. His reign is over. I have glimpsed the face of the new baby Spring and she is beautiful.

She is pushed her advantage. Even now, as the early daffodils put through only to bow their heads, briefly, to the cold and ice and snow.
I wrote a note and posted it as my status on Facebook. It reads:
Dear Baby Spring. Your time has come. This is your moment. We are getting up a whole hour early in anticipation of your arrival (that and Daylight Savings Time)... Show yourself, please. In person. Snippets, peeks, ultrasounds will no longer work for us! Sincerely, the adoring fans.
I will completely understand her taking Spring break off and given old man winter one last hurrah but it's time...
no its past time for her to come into her own.

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