Thursday, February 11, 2016

Chapter 10: include the groom

that story about the bridesmaids dress debaucle, guess who solved the problem?! It was the groom.
I was shocked that he came up with a simple solution.
The picture here is of he and the best man (who is also his best good friend) spray painting pillars for the altar area. They were troopers. He brought a sense of fun and relaxation to the whole equation.
His demeanor was as laid back and happy as the rest of ours was stressed. He had a positive effect on his bride and on her mother.
The idea that the groom just clean up, dress up, show up and stand up (somebody said that was his only job) was not how it worked in our case.
His participation when it came down to it, was major, and so was his contribution.
At one point in the planning stages the bride, only half jokingly, put me on a point system. I called it
"the strike system" because she said if I got three of them, she was eloping. Thankfully, that idea was abandoned at some point but it should have been replaced by a point system similar to the one I had for my kids when they were little. A good job, a good grade, a good deed, got them a star on our homemade chart and stars could be redeemed for prizes.
On that basis, the groom has any number of points to trade in at whatever point he desires.
I am pretty sure the bride drug him along at times, but no matter, while he was there he was a great help. I can't believe that came as an after thought.

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