Wednesday, February 17, 2016

Chapter 11: discuss solutions amongst yourselves

I've hinted at the bridesmaid's dress debacle. It was one of those moments of major crisis I've warned you to expect.
The bride tracked that particular order with some zeal.
When she learned it would not be arriving in time, she was naturally upset.  We all threw out solutions that mostly frustrated her further and made the situation worse.
If we had all set down together and brain stormed or at least discussed options, a solution could have been found quicker and much less painlessly.
It was the groom, who was not so close to this particular forest as to be unable to see that it was not quite the disaster it appeared to be. Clearly he had been around enough twenty somethings (including his sister, the sisters of friends and his own fiancee') and their text abbreviations to know that some things follow others.
"What about LBD's?" he asked. "Don't all of you have an LBD?" referencing the classic and basic "little black dress."
"Well, of course," the bride-to-be answered. And so the simple solution to what appeared a disaster was born. The bridesmaids wore LBD's they already had and it result was splendid and painless.

Note: Chapter 10 was all about including the groom and I started to include this story there, but it was just too good not to make into a chapter of it's own, albeit, a short one. The solution could have come from any of the group of us attempting to pull this epic wedding off in record time. In this case, though, the credit is his.

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