Tuesday, February 2, 2016

Chapter 3: as best you can, cede control

I am going to go ahead and admit I had some really strong ideas about what my baby child's wedding ought to look like.
Like, from the time she was small I was picking out bridemaids in my head. I should not admit this but it's true. I kept a running list. Every wedding I attended I would come away with what "we" should and should not do when her big day came.
We discussed these ideas from time to time and sometimes even agreed. But while her tastes and ideas changed over time, my own did not. I found myself saying "but I thought you liked those" only to hear her say "I did, when I was 12." And so it went.
It made for unnecessary unpleasantness and stress. I've already established that in my opinion, this whole process is stressful and at times quite unpleasant, hence the title comparing to to childbirth. But when and where it doesn't need to be it shouldn't be.
Remember in the last chapter I said the best advice I got was from Glenda the wedding planner who is almost my  relative? She was spot on,
It took a few rough days and tense moments but I finally came to the place where if we could afford it and it was do-able, I smiled and said, "sure." My husband of almost 40 years says that is something he learned  to say a long time ago, hence the length of our marriage.
I kept reminding myself, that it was her wedding, after all.

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