Sunday, July 28, 2013

A fabulous painting birthday party

Last Thursday evening there was a fabulous birthday party held on the Main Street Art studio of Ms. April Jones. Now Ms. April Jones is a talented and creative woman and a long time family favorite.  We all just love her, for many reasons, not the least of which is that she is just enormously fun to be around.
It should be no surprise then, that the party at her art studio was as much fun as she!
Her beautiful daughter and capable assistant, Larson, was there to assist. Her husband, the handsome and dutiful Mike Jones brought aprons by.
All of the young guests (and a few old(er) ones) painted trees with birds in them.
It went like this:
April had painted bare trees on each canvas. Each guest was given a canvas on which they painted blue sky over the tree, completely filling the canvas but not painting so heavily that the tree was obscured.
The Ms. April demonstrated to the young (and old) artists that by drawing a lower case "b" or the number "9" one had the basic shape of a bird to work with.
The choice of color and number of birds was up to the painter.
There were red birds and blue birds, polka dotted birds and striped birds. Some of the birds were very detailed and others less so.
As I was helping my sister corral our almost one-year-old great nephew, I did not paint.  I did have a front row seat to the creative process(es) which was/were amazing.

When everyone was finished, Ms. April took up the easels and laid the works of art out on her tables to reveal that they all fit together to create, collectively, one gigantic tree full of birds. (See, I told you she was fabulous!)

We finished up with the birthday girl opening her gifts. Does it sound wild?! It was; but in a good way. Does it sound fun? It was; in every way!
Do I want to have my next birthday party at Ms. April's studio?
I sure do!

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