Thursday, July 11, 2013

diversions and distractions

There are some times when tedium will take one over if some diversion or distraction is not found.
One of those times: a long car trip.
We often opt for word games and guessing games.
How loud one can be inside one's own vehicle is up to oneself.
We are fans in the out of doors of cloud watching and bird watching.
But what about indoors, in a place where noise is not permitted?
In those days before Ipads and Iphones and Angry Birds and Farmville, we had Gameboy.
My eldest daughter once had three major surgeries in three months. We spent a lot of time in hospital waiting rooms. The picture immediately below is of myself, my husband and my baby sister thoroughly occupied with Gameboy games.
My sister preferred Dr. Mario. I tried but was never able to beat her score. On Tetris I was much better.
I loved Tetris. I came with the Gameboy, which actually was my son's. I spent so much time playing it that I got pretty good at it.
At one time I held the neighborhood high score on the B game, 5 lines high. That I was competing again a bunch of elementary school students did not bother me at all. I was proud.

The little darling there playing Gameboy in bed is my baby daughter. During her sisters convalescence from the aforementioned surgeries, there were times when she had to occupy herself. Other times, I needed her to be relatively quiet while her big sister napped or was so fatigued she had to be put to bed early.
She became quite a Gameboy champ, too. I don't recall her particular game, just that she passed many minutes propped up like you see her here.
They say the hand/eye coordination is useful to kiddos. Maybe I am just consoling myself out of the guilt I feel for her having to occupy herself so much of the time during certain times of her life.
But she did just finish in the top five of her law school class for second semester of her 1L year and I am thinking maybe her focus of attention was born with Gameboy.

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