Tuesday, July 2, 2013

sweet tea and kitchen shears

It occurred to me just this morning why I have been thinking, and blogging about my paternal grandmother so much lately. I was in the yard pruning a topiary with my kitchen shears when it hit me that I used them like clippers or trimmers because she did. I have watched her a thousand times.
She used scissors for lots of things.
She used a pair for her stationary to trim her nails sometimes. She used the same pair from time to time to cut my bangs and my two sisters'  (much to our mother's dismay!)
She used a pair of kitchen shears to cut lettuce to make salad.
She could often be found cutting out articles from the local paper or patterns for some project.
I am reminded of her at some point every day. A lot of my friends and family order sweet tea when we  go out to dinner. I am not interested in any tea that doesn't taste like my Grandma's and I've yet to find that.  I have her cornbread skillet but I can't make my cornbread taste like hers.
My maternal grandparents lived in West Texas when I was a child. We made many happy memories at their home in El Dorado and their lake house in Kingland with many cousins summers and holidays but daily exposure belonged to my Okie Grandma and Grandpa.
Thankfully, many of the lessons took.
I still hear her voice in my head saying "keep still" and "do a good job."
I am reminded of her in my yard and in my house, at restaurants and even in my own thoughts.
I miss her every day. t seems I miss her more as time goes on.

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