Tuesday, July 2, 2013

Big girl bike

My grandbaby turns six years old at the end of this month. Last weekend, the Hub and I bought her birthday gift and gave it to her early. We did that so she could enjoy her present: a new bicycle.
It was way past time for her to have a big bike. She has ridden a tricycle on the driveway and on the sidewalks at my house for too long. It was time she had a two wheeler and we all knew it.
She picked out a Barbie bike. I am just old school enough to be happy with it. We got elbow and knee pads and a Barbie helmet, careful grandparents that we are.
She isn't ready for the training wheels to come off but the way time flies, it probably won't be long.
The weather has been so pleasant that she's been able to do quite a bit of riding. Someone forgot to tell the weather it's July.
My Grandbaby remembers what month it is, even if temperature is in the 80's rather than triple digits. It's her birthday month. And she has a new birthday bicycle.

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