Monday, July 8, 2013

at the lake

We spent some time this weekend at my sister's lake place. Her grandchildren, who spend a good deal of time there are much more accustomed to lake water and activities than my own grandchild. She has to readjust swimming in  water you can't see into. Though my sweet nephew pulled her and her cousins at a careful speed behind his boat on a water tube, it was still too fast for her.
She just gets it all worked through and it is time to leave again. We should come back more often, my sisters says, and she is right.
There are play spaces under the stairs and in the children's room full of toys. She loves playing there with these cousins she doesn't see nearly often enough. They love making pallets on the floor of the great room of the beautiful lake house my brother-in-law had built not so long ago.
One of the cousins loves to fish. He is tolerant of her fishing along side him and chattering all the while. He is less tolerant of the speed with which she wants to be pulled on the lake tube.
The other cousin, herself a chatterbox, is game for whatever the other two want to do. Mostly.
Can you imagine a more fun place to be?

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