Monday, July 8, 2013

what summer looks like

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look at the above collage of photos and you will have a pretty good idea of what summer looks like around me.
Cut hydrangeas in a vase I got for my birthday. My grandbaby holding a bowl of rainier cherries. Petunias planted by the front walk, sedum starting to bloom, baby tomatoes on the vines in my little kitchen garden. Crepe myrtles and day lilies in glorious bloom.  A stack of books waiting to be read. Little girls in bathing suits petting a horse. Big girls in concert dress making photo ops.
A knock out rose in a planter on the front porch about to enter its second cycle of blooms for the season. A little girl ready to come inside but wanting to bring her granddad's lab in with her.
There are other things:
sweet potato vines planted in planters alongside boxwoods and rose moss.
Trumpetvine creeping up the backyard fence.
Flip flops under my kitchen desk.
Children racing to the ice cream truck when it turns the corner.
Those are some of the signs of summer.
Oh, and one more thing.
Tonight I am going to be in search of lightening bugs.

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