Tuesday, July 9, 2013


linus van pelt
We all are attached to some things, I suppose. Some of us, though, are more prone to develop them than others.I know people who tire of furniture and books and people quickly and pass them off easily. I am not one of them nor are some of my family members.
The children in our family attach to  favorite toys and blankets. The Peanuts character "Linus" is not along in that particular propensity.
My youngest nephew had a pillow he would fight you over. He kept it in the fridge because he liked it to be cold when he was ready for bedtime. The boy was serious about his pillow. I thought this was hysterical but I have to admit, I've developed serious attachments of my own at times.
My husband has had to pry me out of certain automobiles even after  their time had passed. I once carried the same handbag for almost a decade. I will wear the same shade of lipstick and nail polish until it is discontinued or I can no longer find it.
I wear the same two or three jackets and pairs of shoes order the same meals in restaurants. I tell myself I will order something different but I never do.
My grandbaby gets stuck on movies and television shows. In her second year, we matched the Disney movie "Mulan" until we all could quote parts of it verbatim.
My eldest child has worn out copies of the movie "Steel Magnolias" and the cinema version of the musical "Annie."
I blogged earlier about saving things... keeping them in case I need them later as much as for sentiment.  It is my attachments that cause me to save things as much as anything.
There, I've admitted it.


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