Tuesday, July 16, 2013

saving things

I can still remember what the perfume I am holding in the picture above smelled like.
That I am clutching it so firmly is telling.
I do not remember, particularly, the Barbie paperdolls, but I am pretty sure I punched out the clothes carefully, making sure not to tear them and then hid them where my little sisters, three and five years younger than me couldn't find them.
I holds to things.
I am a saver. I've already blogged about my propensities toward attachments. It goes way back.
Maybe it was the influence of my grandmother who lived through two world wars and the Great Depression. She saved bread sacks and tinfoil and made grocery lists on the backs of old receipts.
She wasn't so much being green as she was saving it. I spent too many years as a Girl Scout leader not to at least be green conscious. But truth be told, I am a saver by nature as much as anything.

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