Friday, July 26, 2013

an empty cup

I was carrying the cup pictured above into my office (the one without the lid.) My baby daughter gave it to me for my birthday and since then it has become my favorite. As I set it down on my desk, thinking of what to fill it with as I started a busy day, I had an interesting thought.
What if I filled my mind, my day, my attitude as deliberately as I fill my cup.
If I opt for coffee, I have choices. These days there are more varieties than I can count. I can add creamer or sweetener or I can drink it black. The same with tea. I do not put anything in my cup that I don't like or want. I don't allow anyone else to put anything in my cup that I don't like or want. So why do I allow my day to be filled, often, with things I don't like or want?
Some of it is unavoidable but much of what goes in is up to me. How I deal with what comes into my life is completely up to me.
Brands and strengths, how much, how many. It's all up to me with beverages. Why not with the other stuff. Not a novel idea. Such is the stuff of many devotionals and blog posts elsewhere. It is the topic of articles and interviews and talk shows. I've read them, heard them, pondered them, mulled them, mused over them. Today I am seeking to put them into practice.

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