Thursday, July 11, 2013

Aunt Janie's store

When I was a young child, we live next door to a grocery store. The proprietor just happened to be my great aunt. Because the back part of the building was her home we spent lots of time there.
In some ways this aunt was more like a grandparent. She accompanied mother to take us to the doctor. Back then, if you went to the doctor, you got a shot. Either you were sick and you got a shot to make you well or you were well and you got a shot to keep you that way. Aunt Janie always held us while we got shots.
The story goes that before I started to school, she could send me to retrieve almost any item on the grocery store shelves to fill an order, provided I could reach it. She paid me from the  candy counter. Or with a dill pickle from a gallon jar sitting upon the meat case. I did not eat the pickled eggs and the thought of the pickled pigs feet still makes me gag, but I loved those dill pickles.
There was a Dr. Pepper sign outside bearing the name "Kelley Grocery" beneath it but what I recall drinking from a barrel filled with ice was RC cola in a bottle.
If I was there at lunch time, Aunt Janie would cut thick slabs of bologna and red rind cheese on the meat slicer and use them to make us sandwiches.
She also made one of the best hamburgers on the planet but that was for when she was in her kitchen "at home" behind the store in the same building.
On weekends and holidays, many lively games of canasta and dominoes were played on her kitchen table with throes of relatives. But on weekdays and some Saturdays, at Kelley Grocery, other than customers going in and out, it was often just she and I.
I liked it that way.

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