Tuesday, July 30, 2013

the little birthday girl

Tomorrow is the 6th birthday of the darling little painter in the photos above. Turning six has been a big deal for her. We have been celebrating for a month and in earnest for a solid week.
Her painting birthday party was a big hit/

There was a dinner with her aunts two days later followed by the launch of a floating lantern in honor of our birthday girl. There've been cupcakes and songs and cards. At the left, she is with one of her aunts and the Art teacher Barbie she picked out as her gift. The Barbie came with paints for canvas and the Barbie's hair. It seems art teachers favor color all over the place.
The birthday girl likes color, too.
She also likes animals. Her family. Dancing. Reading. Her friends.
She left for California this morning, headed to Disneyland with her big sister and her mom and her maternal grandparents.
I miss her already.
Guess we'll have to do more celebrating when she gets back!

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