Sunday, May 19, 2013

Broadening my horizons

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I pretty much like the same things... shoes, hairstyle,
My taste in music is somewhat eclectic
Same with books.
 But when it comes to movies, I am really much history, romance or comedy.
Who's have thought, the newest Star Trek movie would have all three?
I went grudgingly on a double date with the Hub and a couple of good friends. They all love sci-fi and adventure films.  Some of them had been counting the days 'til the premier of "Into the Darkness."
Having refused to watch William Shatner and Leonard Nemoy as Captain Kirk and Mr. Spock back in the day, I was quite disinterested in watching some newbies reprise their roles. Not even in 3D, did I expect to enjoy the movie, especially watching with some trekkies.
I have official broadened my horizons, albeit narrowly. Still, progress is progress. Isn't it?!

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