Saturday, May 18, 2013

What is that smell?

I find myself searching without success for a perfume I like. I am funny about scents, so this may not be easy. Once in a blue moon I will stumble onto something that catches my fancy.
Many years ago, my boyfriend, now husband, bought me a bottle of "musk." it was popular at the time and I wore it because he'd gotten it for me. My mother-in-law told me, years later, that she considered it among the rankest things she'd ever smelled.
She wore youth dew. as did her mother. actually, in the case of her mother, my husband's grandmother who we called "Eee" she bathed in it, powdered with it. She wore scented lotion. layer upon layers of youth dew is an apt description. Her scent arrived long before she did. She was easy to buy for, though.
My husband's sister wore Charlie for years and years. My mother wore Tabu.One of my sisters wears Michael. The other wears Burberry. Those were their signature fragrances.
I did not and still do not have one.
Halston was to be my fragrance in my twenties, but alas, morning sickness took care of that. To this day, if I get a whiff of that scent or anything close to it, I am overcome by waves of nausea.
I sadly gave away the boxed set I'd just received mid pregnancy.
Several Christmases later, I tore an ad from a magazine and smelled the strip for a new cologne I decided to try.  The hub asked what I wanted for Christmas and being how I was a few months along with my third child, clothes or other similar things really weren't on my wish list, unless they be maternity.
I gave the ad to the hub who took the ad to the mall but could find no "Eternity" yet in stock at any of the stores. Finally, he asked a clerk in cosmetics if that particular store carried "maternity." He did not find her attempt at humor via a play on words with "Eternity" and "maternity" funny but it has made for a funny family story.
I did finally receive a set of Eternity, we found it on a trip to Washington DC a few months later, as I recall. I wore it for several years. My baby daughter calls it the "smell of" her childhood.
Inevitably they stop making any scent I settle on. The same thing happens with lipstick shades.

 I have worn Victoria's Secret tranquil breezes.
and Crabtree and Evelyn's Sarawak, both pictured above. Those are two of my  list of longer availables.
All this to say, I am back on the hunt for a new cologne or perfume.
I could go back to Chanel No. 5.

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